Latest Episodes

Meet Fidelity’s Summer Interns
In the latest episode, Side of the Desk is joined by three Fidelity interns, or “FIDterns”, as we like to say. Listen to hear...

Side Hustles at Fidelity
Do you have a side hustle? Side of the Desk is joined by Bret Clancy, Vice President, Social, to hear how his side hustle...

Work-Life Balance: Is it real?
While it sounds good, having a work-life balance is easier said than done. Whether it’s returning from vacation or getting back the office, Side...

Meet the Side of the Desk Team
Want to know who makes Side of the Desk? Go behind the scenes with the squad who drives this podcast. Hear about our day...

Exploring Career Vitality Journeys at Fidelity
Our discussion on career vitality highlights the lessons our guests have learned along their career paths, and their most valuable takeaways after moving through...

Internships at Fidelity: The Importance of Networking
Side of the Desk is joined by our summer interns to discuss a variety of topics, from interviewing to thriving in the office. We...